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Super Foods of the Himalaya

Indigenous Foods – Super Foods of the Himalaya- Nutritional Safety

SOS Organics cultivates and harvests their indigenous super foods naturally and holistically, ensuring that they are free from chemicals. The exceptional nutritional properties and medicinal attributes of these super foods have earned them the title of “Super Foods of the Himalaya.” It is undeniable that they possess great nutritional potential.

Harnessing Himalayan Conditions for Nutritional Richness

The unique Himalayan environment plays a role in enhancing the medicinal properties of indigenous crops. Distinct weather, mineral-rich soil, and cosmic radiation combine to boost the exceptional nutritional content of these foods.

Traditional Wisdom and Modern Science Converge

Generations of traditional wisdom have acknowledged the remarkable properties of these foods. Recent international scientific research now validates this ancient knowledge. Turmeric, or ‘Pahari Gold,’ is gaining attention for its potential in preventing Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and cancer.

Rediscovering Forgotten Treasures

Himalayan Nettle, Oregano (Vana Tulsi), Millet (Madhira and Madhua), and Amaranth (Ramdana) are just a few examples of ‘Super Foods’ found in the hills. Mythology and folklore offer insights, with Amaranth known as the ‘Grain of Lord Ram.’

Reviving Nutritional Balance

Many indigenous foods have been overshadowed by mass-produced options, their significance waning. However, we believe they can act as valuable nutritional supplements, compensating for processed food deficiencies. Even a small portion of these Himalayan food remedies can provide essential nutrients missing in our diets.

Harnessing Himalayan Conditions for Nutritional Richness

The unique Himalayan environment plays a role in enhancing the medicinal properties of indigenous crops. Distinct weather, mineral-rich soil, and cosmic radiation combine to boost the exceptional nutritional content of these foods.

Traditional Wisdom and Modern Science Converge

Generations of traditional wisdom have acknowledged the remarkable properties of these foods. Recent international scientific research now validates this ancient knowledge. Turmeric, or ‘Pahari Gold,’ is gaining attention for its potential in preventing Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and cancer.

Rediscovering Forgotten Treasures

Himalayan Nettle, Oregano (Vana Tulsi), Millet (Madhira and Madhua), and Amaranth (Ramdana) are just a few examples of ‘Super Foods’ found in the hills. Mythology and folklore offer insights, with Amaranth known as the ‘Grain of Lord Ram.’

Reviving Nutritional Balance

Many indigenous foods have been overshadowed by mass-produced options, their significance waning. However, we believe they can act as valuable nutritional supplements, compensating for processed food deficiencies. Even a small portion of these Himalayan food remedies can provide essential nutrients missing in our diets.

Preservation, Documentation, and Promotion

At the SOS Organics Foundation, we commit ourselves to preserving, documenting, and promoting traditional farming methods and indigenous crops. Our objective is to offer accessible information about Super Foods and their advantages, facilitating exploration and implementation. We endeavor to gather and disseminate valuable information, research findings, and practical applications concerning natural Himalayan foods, organic farming practices, and effective post-harvest techniques. Our ultimate aim is to empower individuals with knowledge to make informed decisions about their nutritional well-being.



SOS Organics product list – booklet on Turmeric

This book is a good example to show how we intend to publicize the information, combining traditional knowledge and scientific research and its relevance to practises/ usages in today’s age.

Also please have a look at our reference pages on turmeric and on amaranth.